What are you creating?
This message is the perfect time to share. It’s something that needs to be heard, so please take the time to read and absorb.
Our life is is a combination of a certain amount of time and energy. Time is rolling away for all of us at the same pace. If you sit, it rolls away. If you sleep, it rolls away. If you do something, it rolls away. If you don't do anything, it rolls away. Time is running out for all of us.
How conscious have you become is very important. If you're in compulsive cycles then your energy gets wasted on so many things. In 24 hours most people by prescription in America sleep for 8 hours. So that means 1/3 of our life is gone and the remaining 2/3 they have to eat, shower use the bathroom etc. meaning another two -three hours gone. Literally 50% of life is gone on a daily basis just for basic maintenance of this life. The remaining 50% is happening in compulsive cycles.
You are never the issue in your life I'm not the issue my thoughts, emotions, and body are never the issue. My thoughts, emotions and body are the instruments in my life they are not impediments. 90% of the human beings the compulsions of the body, of their thoughts and their emotions are ruling them most of the time.
Pain is a good thing physically because that is your preservation. It’s a self-preservation mechanism but suffering is something that you do in your mind. Pain is something that happens in your body you take it in your mind and multiply the thousand times or a million times. right now, most human beings are like this. What happened 10 years ago can still cause you to suffer. What may happen 2 days from now can also cause you to suffer. We have too much time to think. The convivences of this life have taken away the necessity to take action. We no longer hunt or garden for food. We need water, we turn on the faucet. If we had to provide for ourselves to live we would have no time to overthink the past or worry about the future you would only think about what needs to be done now to survive. Our survival id better organized than ever before. Most humans don’t know how to handle things without physical activity.
Particularly teenage boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 16 who have severe violent problems within themselves. If you leave them like that they may kill themselves or kill somebody else. In that kind of state many of them have even killed their parents. In 2017 18,600 children below 18 years of age have committed suicide. Out of which 7,200 were udner the age of 15. The numbers have continued to climb since the pandemic. Those numbers are disturbing. Those children who sound be full of life are wanting to take their own life. Why?? Obviously as a society we are doing something wrong.
Our children are watching. They are watching our behaviors. They are being pushed aside as we are trying to work through our problems and our misery.
Our goals, our stupid ideas of what is success is driving them nuts. We are trying to use our children like racehorses. When you understand life as a race. If you are in a race, what the objective? You must reach the finish line quick. What is the finish line of your life? Death. Right now if you make yourself miserable you are sending a message to every cell in the body that I don’t want to live. When you become miserable suddenly your body seems heavy and doesn’t want to get up from this chair. Have you seen this??? When you are happy you are willing to get up and do everything. Even if something is hard.
Recovery helps but your brain flip flops sending mixed messages. The body gets confused. Your body is intelligent. It takes instructions from you. If you keep sending wrong messages you are dead, if you are sending contradictory messages you are half dead. Essentially you are turning your intelligence against yourself. Life is supposed to work for you but you are turning it against yourself.
Your 5 senses are how you receive data. This data gathers within you. Its perception of information. A child is all the time drinking up data. A child looks at everything differently, with curiosity and innocence. he wants to learn as much as possible because instinctively he knows that without the data he will not be able to function.
Have you noticed since the solar eclipse that your senses have been heightened?? You have been noticing more of the world around you?? Why is it that some people are more capable than others?? It’s because of the level of attention placed on the task. How things will behave. It’s perception. You are watching it out of your keen interest. You are watching how it moves.
People are assuming that anger is happening to them, that misery is happening to them. You are creating anger, you are creating misery, you are creating joy, you are creating whatever. All this is happening within you. Human experience is happening with in you whether its love, hate, anger misery, or joy. Simple question: What happens from within you? Should it happen your way… or someone else’s way?
The world will never happen your way 100%. A little will happen your way, a little bit will happen their way. That is fine. But what happens within me MUST happen my way. If what happens within me doesn’t happen my way, this is the worst type of slavery isn’t it?
WOW… is your mind blown? I know mine was.
Children, on the other hand, don’t have this bevy of experiences from which to derive a sense of power or security. What children have instead is a sense of innocence. With that innocence comes trust. Since children can’t solve the adult world’s problems, they trust that we adults will.
Whether we can in fact solve these world problems is not really the issue here. Rather what is important for us to understand is that our children need this age of innocence and they need for us to respect that. We can show respect to our children by discussing adult topics outside of their ears’ hearing. We can limit their TV viewing to programs that do not instill fear or terror. This may include news programs. We can invite discussions of their fears, questions, and observations. We can refrain from elaborate, detailed answers and explanation to their questions and instead simply answer what they ask. We can try to hear what their questions are and not insert our fears into their questions or amplify their questions by our awareness of the problems. Remember, children are innocent and will usually accept our short, truthful answers.
We do not need to tell our older children more than they are asking, but we do need to answer and share dialogue with them that causes them to feel important.
20 Minutes for the NEXT 20 Years of Your LIFE | - Spiritual Journey
To hear the full message: https://youtu.be/xKWIb8LU5hA?si=sH3krg3cmob-Vz8Z