By definition: causing discomfort or distress; painful; irritating. In a state of discomfort; uneasy; conscious of stress or strain.
Am I losing my mind?
Am I having a midlife crisis?
Shouldn’t I be more consistent?
I mean, I’m 43. Get it together Casey!
When I first started this coaching business a year and a half ago, I had NO clue what I was doing. What I knew was- I was unhappy. I was told that I did too much. To not recreate the wheel. To just do what everyone else was doing and to follow the systems. I had lost myself and who I was, what I wanted to do and the vision that I had. To just be a sheep and follow the herd. I listened until I crashed and burnt.
The voices of our brainwashing often feels like the truth. I was left wondering WHY can’t I do what others do? What is wrong with me? Deeply unfulfilled. Feeling less than on SO many levels, but I know better now.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that any expression of who we are outside of the “norm”, is a sign that we’ve gone off the rails. To be honest, I had gone off the rails and plunged into the abyss.
I knew that I was meant for more, I just didn’t know where I fit??
Appearing to have it all together on the outside but inside feeling like a bull in a China shop just plowing my way through knocking everything over in my path.
For so long, my experience of life was just going through the motions because no matter what I did it was never enough.. AND there it was “I wasn’t enough.” Little did I know I’ve always been authentic, divine and sacred- but I wasn’t present or conscious of this version of her.
I had to explore and integrate all parts of me – especially the ones that make me extremely uncomfortable. I had to do the work. I was finding that not only did this version of self make me uncomfortable, it made others uncomfortable too. Standing in your power and saying NO to what doesn’t serve you, to creating boundaries and sticking to them… yeah the “normal people” they don’t like that.
Your authenticity is uncomfortable, but not crazy, there’s nothing more normal.
Finding who YOU are, your most genuine authentic self is uncomfortable but not unstable, when we let that bull out of the China shop and learn how to control that feeling, nothing teaches us how to be more balanced.
Your authenticity, interests and desires are uncomfortable but not dangerous, when we light the fires of our soul and learn how to tend to it, nothing makes us safer.
A woman armed with ancient wisdom and the resilience to be uncomfortable is unfuckwithable.
More to come!!
It’s time my love to Awaken the Goddess Within.