
This word can mean so many different things to a woman. Often times we feel alone. Our cries can be deafining but most times go unheard.

It is too much for any of us to face alone. When we are alone, we can only handle a sliver of the pain, but there is so much.

The older I get the more I see, the more stories I hear from women. Women just like you and I.

A mans disreguard for a womans emotional well being, traumatic experiences as young women or even as a child- abused or sexually assulted, being followed, harrassed or assulted. Being attacked mugged or burglarized. Living in fear of being sexually assulted in spaces that are poorly maintained or with poor lighting. You get the ideaI don’t need to go on.

This has become the norm. Every woman has a story. It doesn’t matter how extreme, every woman has felt unsafe at one point in their life because of a man. I can think of numerous times that I have felt afraid or uncomfortable because of a certain situation where a man made me feel unsafe in public. It happens all the time.

As a society, we need to do better at hearing the cry of those who are hurting. I ask goddess and source….as a coach, as a human, as a woman myself- How am I meant to hold myself in this? How am I meant to hold this community in the pain they are feeling?

The answer I hear is- It is your job to listen.  That is why I gave you ears to hear.

Ground. Straighten. Listen. Even bigger. Even deeper. Even taller.  

Stand with them. Show them the importance of gathering together as women, in community.

We have been for centurties caught in the patriachale brainwashing that it’s something we did.. something we asked for. Excuse me Sir, please take advantage of me so I can make myself feel small or less than is something I have NEVER heard come out of a womans mouth. The earliest traces of goddesses, despite their immortality and strength, were often subject to their male counterparts. We have been told we don’t talk about these things. We fear judgement when chances are that it’s also happened to the woman judging us. We are embarrassed- stripped of our self confidence. Unsafe yet again.

It is uncomfortable, but it is not unsafe.

Ground. Straighten. Listen. Even bigger.

It is your job to turn towards it all. Caring for all does not negate the worthiness of one.  

It feels like a lot because it is.

Hold it all. Look at it all. Not to dilute, not brush over, not to minimize, it is not callous, but to be inclusive of pain.  We must get bigger, deeper, more attuned… to offer reverence to all of the people who need our presence, our attention, our rage, our call, our love. Every terrified, dying soul is worthy. We are all Earth’s children, my roots grow across lines, and so must our hearts. 

So I encourage you "listen to understand, not to respond"

Our first instinct is to begin offering suggestions and action plans, like, “Maybe you could try this,” or “Just keep looking on the bright side.” On the other hand, I become frustrated when others do this to me because I often know what I need to do; I just need someone to be an honest listener with no agenda. 

Ground. Straighten. Listen. Even bigger. It’s important for us as women to hold space for other woman. To find strength in each other, lift and celebrate each other. We are better together!

“Sisterhood is powerful.” — Robin Morgan.



Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable.

