Social conditioning holding you back??
How often do you worry about how you look, act, think or feel?
Minimizing the space you take up in the world.
Social conditioning plays a role from a very young age.
What is social conditioning?
Social condtioning is the process by which people of a certain society are trained to think, believe, feel, want and react in a certain way that’s approved by the society or the groups within it.
It begins at birth and continues our entire lives. Influenced by the advertising, the media, fashion but most of all by the people around us. Those we have come to trust.. those we believe to have our best interests at heart.
It’s exactly these influences that impact us. How we as women view ourselves and we allow our conditioning to hold us back.
If you continue to listen to the stories that you’ve been told, you will continue to live out your current life. Potentially a life of disatisfaction, stress and overwhelm.
Together we can change the story that we are being told. It starts with recognizing, overcoming and reframing our beliefs.
“I’m not good enough.”
“I have to do it right.”
“I have to make everyone happy.”
Treat the cause- not the symptom.
“Imposter syndrome” is when you doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud. You don’t think you are as competent as you should be or as other people think you are. So the result is that you work harder to prove to yourself and to others that you deserve where you are.
“I have to do it right.” That perfectionism is when you feel the need to be- or appear to be.. perfect. You often think that there’s a right way to do things and you hold yourself to that standard. You may also place high and often times unrealistic standards on other people, including your spouse, kids, friends and colleagues. It’s often a a deep rooted feat of disapproval from others possibly even childhood trauma.
“I have to make everyone happy.” People pleasing happens when you become whoever other people need youto be at any giving moment to make them happy. You feel overly responsible, many times for things that aren’t your responibility. In turn ignoring your own needs. You are afraid of not being liked and accepted. Worried you won’t be part of the tribe. Your value is rooted in how others see you. It’s a trauma response. Most often coming from trying to earn love and approval from someone in your past.
Can you relate?? Yes? No wonder you are burnt out!
I know, I know.. you’ve heard this before. However so many women tend to address the wrong part of the problem. We want an easy fix.
I mean who wants to revisit those deep dark places? Who has time for self discovery and self care?
When we ignore the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression we sometimes look for ways to mask those symptoms in things such as prescriptions, alcohol or smoking.
Perhaps the true cause of these symptoms is because we put everyone and everything before ourselves. It’s important to unpack why that is and start to unearth the root of the problem.
As women we tend to undervalue ourselves. This mythical woman that we have been constantly comparing ourselves to doesn’t exist. It’s not a standard that we should be holding ourselves to.
Always focusing on the things that we haven’t done versus what we actually have accomplished. It’s time to celebrate ourselves for how friggin awesome we are- who does that? Social conditioning has totally contributed to women’s lack of self-esteem, confidence and overall health. That’s something we need to solve, because you my friend ARE friggin awesome!
When we begin to think about ourselves in healthy ways, redefine what success means to us we will then step into our power and less overwhelmed.